
My notebook of things I was (not.) right about.

The day I got engaged my now husband and I had been enjoying some drinks on the deck. He went inside and as he came out I heard him pumping himself up on the other end of the deck.

Almost as if he were forging into battle like William Wallace.

Or perhaps trotting onto the 50 yard line at the super bowl.

And he said...

and I quote...

“Let's get this over with.”

I agree new husband.

Let’s get this over with.

Welcome to my blog- this is a bad idea, right?


Almost 23 years ago I watched my then boyfriend get angry at a printer and nearly launch it across the room.

I was right to think he’d never turn into a needy, uncontrolled, narcissistic, emotional neanderthal who would pound my whole gingerbread world into a crumb of existence for the next 15 years.


I was fishing something out from behind somewhere that was just beyond my reach. It wasn’t working out for me so I fenagled an extraordinary stick with a clip on the end to grab what was out of my reach.

It worked.

My very first thought after my success?

I could totally escape from prison if the keys were juuussst out of my reach, outside my cell.

I know I’m right.


I was right when I told my mirrored self that today was the day that bangs would look good on us.
